Last Friday we took part in the celebrations of this year's English Day. We took part in the opening ceremony with the rest of Primary when we were introduced to the different cultures, Viking, Oriental and Egyptian and the different characters from them. Afterwards we went and did some other activities, starting with a themed breakfast- a Dorayaki like Doraemon.
After that, we watched different plays 'Where's my mummy?' and 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. And we also did the craft activity where we made a bookmark that included a Chinese Zodiac animal which we learnt before in class.
We all had a great day learning lots of new things about different cultures. We can't wait for the next English Day!
El passat divendres nosaltres vam celebrar el English Day a la nostra escola. Vam assistir a la cerimònia d'apertura amb la resta dels alumnes de primària on ens van introduir diferents cultures: la Víkinga, la Oriental i la Egípcia. Després vam anar a fer altres activitats començant per un esmorzar típic del Doraemon, el Dorayaki.
Després d'això, vam mirar uns teatres amb anglès i vam fer un punt de llibre amb els nostres animals del zodíac xinès que abans ja havíem treballat a la classe.
Vam tenir un gran dia on vam poder aprendre moltes coses noves sobre les diferents cultures. Esperem impacients el proper English Day!